Year: 2023

MEMORABLE SPEECHES BY AFRICAN FOUNDING FATHERS: Felix Houphouet-Boigny (First President of Ivory Coast, May,1963)

Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Imperial Majesty, Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen Having followed with growing interest the statements of my illustrious colleagues, I wondered as I came to this rostrum, whether it would not be extremely reasonable on my part to make the shortest speech of my whole political career, saying to you quite […]

Ivory Coast To Host Houphouet-Boigny Boxing Tournament

By Godwin Aikigbe After a turbulent 2022, SAMDA is setting the ball rolling on all fronts. One of its immediate plans is a boxing tournament in Ivory Coast, a tribute to the country’s first president, Félix Houphout-Boigny, who served from 1960 until his death in 1993. Chief Executive Officer, Tony Kona Fele, made this disclosure […]